Prices and Cancellation Terms


 Ticket Price
Normal Price40 ₪
Senior Citizen31 ₪
Handicapped/Soldier/National Service (ID provided)27 ₪
Student28 ₪
Member of the Friends Association32 ₪
Lecture and premiere70 ₪
Lecture and premiere / Senior Citizen52.5 ₪

10 films membership: 300 ₪
10 films membership for senior citizens/students/soldiers/national service/handicapped: 235 ₪

Membership is not limited by time or number of tickets per reservation. 

* Lev company membership is not accepted in Tikotin Cinema.

* For information regarding Lev company coupons and their credibility in Tikotin Cinema please call 04-8363554


Single Use Ticket


* Single use tickets are available for purchase

* Single use tickets are available for purchase via telephone.

* Single use tickets can be cancelled up to two hours before screening time on these terms

* Tickets reserved by phone and yet to be collected by the costumer, can be cancelled by phone.

* Tickets reserved and collected should be returned to the box office before screening time, as a term for cancellation and refund.

For the avoidance of doubt, there is no possibility of cancelling a ticket and receiving a refund if there are less than two hours left until the screening time.




* Apart from single use tickets, there are memberships tickets available for purchase.

It includes either a 10 or 6 screenings multiple-ticket entry. Please keep the given membership receipts.

* Membership cancellation- refund will be given up to 14 days within purchase date if it has not been used.  

* Entering the screenings in on the basis of empty seats. Purchasing a membership does not automatically guarantee entering every film. Please contact the museum's box office before the screening in order to book a reserved seat.

To cancel a ticket (membership) to a specific screening that has been reserved via the box office but was not collected- Please inform of cancellation to the box office up to two hours before the screening. In this case, the ticket will be refunded. In case the ticket has been collected- In addition to the terms, the reserved ticket must be returned to the box office before screening time.

For the avoidance of doubt, there is no possibility of cancelling a ticket and receiving a refund if there are less than two hours left until the screening time.

As mentioned, reserved seat tickets that have not been fulfilled cannot be refunded without advance cancellation, and will be considered as used.